Let It Rain!

Khabakok (Habakkuk) 2:18 – What profit is a graven image? For the maker of it, he fashions it as a molten image, a false DOWNPOUR that the maker trusts upon it, making idols that don’t speak.

This verse is not calling an idol a “teacher.” It is calling it a false DOWNPOUR that is of no use whatsoever.

Yashai-Ya’oh (Isaiah) 30:20 – Not will it be cornered anymore your DOWNPOURS, but it will be that your eyes see your DOWNPOURS.

Ever witness it rain on one side of a street but not the other? Strange sight to see isn’t it? That’s what we call someone upstairs apparently not liking a particular side of the street that day. So it gets no rain. This verse is not talking about “teachers.” It is talking about the day when we will be given the kind of heavy rain that brings life to the land, life to our people, whereas we have up till now been given the water that causes affliction in the form of curses.

YA’OH removed our DOWNPOURS into a corner and our people have become desolate and parched as a result. But He will bring our DOWNPOURS back so that we revive and live again. See Ya’oh-al (Joel) 2:23.

His name is YA’OH

Always has been. Always will be.

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